Psoriasis Laser Skin Treatment
For a Clear Diagnosis, Laser Treatment is the Clear Choice
We use the only FDA-cleared, clinically proven excimer laser that gets skin clear of psoriasis—and it works fast, with many patients seeing significant improvement and long-lasting remissions. Because it delivers a highly targeted, therapeutic beam of UVB light only to areas of the skin affected by psoriasis, healthy skin surrounding the lesions stays that way.
The excimer laser clears the symptoms, prolongs the remission and returns skin to a clinically healthy state in record time. All of which means it delivers consistently predictable results so patients experience more good days of living than bad.

Long-Lasting & Effective
In just 10-12 treatment sessions, the patient can usually see a fast reduction of symptoms.
Simple, Painless Treatment
Short sessions with almost no recovery time mean you can go on with you life - without stressful interruptions.
Covered by Many Insurances
Available by Rx, this treatment is covered by most major insurance companies.

Scalp Psoriasis Can be Cleared.
Because of the shielding effect of hair, traditional UVB lamp therapy is not very effective against scalp psoriasis. However, studies have reported success in treating it with the 308 nm excimer laser which generates a targeted beam of UVB light.
This treatment allows for simple manual separation of the hair, provides good visualization of the psoriasis and permits rapid treatment so that a whole scalp can often be treated in less than 15 minutes.